Dulles Corridor Area

Dulles Corridor of Narcotics Anonymous

DCANA serves McLean, Chantilly, Herndon, Reston, Sterling, Ashburn, Aldie, Leesburg & Purcellville
NORVANA serves Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Falls Church, Springfield, Vienna & Woodbridge
Battlefield Area serves Centreville, Gainesville, Manassas & Warrenton

Mailing Address:
Dulles Corridor Area of Narcotics Anonymous
P.O. Box 650621
Sterling, VA 20165

Email Address: public.information@dcana.org

Service Resources

Are you a Trusted Servant looking for helpful resources to better assist you in your position to serve our local fellowship of NA? CLICK HERE!

Dulles Corridor Subcommittees

Area Service

The Area Service Committee meeting is now an in-person only meeting that takes place online and in person on the last Sunday of every month (excepting holiday weekends) from 2pm-5pm at:

St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church
201 E. Frederick Dr. Sterling, VA 20165

Hospitals & Institutions

Carries the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular NA meetings. Meetings or presentations are provided to hospitals, jails, addiction treatment facilities, detox centers, and other institutions. To participate, download and fill out the linked forms and email and a copy of a government photo ID them to hospitals-institutions@dcana.org.


Purchases from region/world service and sells literature/chips to groups to supply at meetings. Prepares review and input meetings for literature reviews prior to World approval and sale/distribution.


For information and resources that can better serve you and your groups, Outreach subcommittee serves as the outstretched hand of an DCANA to isolated groups and addicts who wish to stay in touch with the fellowship.


Keeps archives of previous policy documents and amendments to the policy updated. Current Policy

Public Information

The purpose of PI work in Narcotics Anonymous is to inform the public that NA exists and offers recovery from the disease of addiction. The PI Committee helps to ensure that information about our fellowship is accurate and is available to the public.

PI meets the Thursday before the ASC meeting at 7 PM. The subcommittee meeting is online. Zoom meeting ID: 993 63 649580, no password.

Special Events

Plans special events for the members of NA including dances, trips,
hosting the regional and any other activities of interest.

The Special Events subcommittee meets the first and third Sunday of the month at 5:30 PM Eastern on Zoom.

Zoom meeting ID: 863 614 1737, Password: 00000

Regional Committee Member

Represents DCANA at the C&P Region.