Rock Creek Area is hosting a New Year’s Eve Marathon on December 31 from 6:00 PM to 1:00 AM. The event will be held 5034 Wisconsin Avenue NW, Washington DC 20016. There will be continuous meetings starting at 6:00 PM, with a special Speaker Meeting at 11:00 PM. There is parking behind the building. The event is Pot Luck, so bring a special dish. For questions, contact Rene M. at (202) 321-3198. We hope to see you there!
People are needed to make this event a huge success. If you can help by chairing a meeting, making coffee or keeping the meeting room clean, please sign up at:
Loving Life Living Our Literature has changed the meeting time starting in November. Every Thursday, Loving Life Living Our Literature now meets at the Festival Center, located at 1640 Columbia Rd. NW, Washington, DC 20009 at 6:30 PM. Parking in the lot behind building. Meeting attendees can safely ignore posted “No parking/towing” signs. Center staff will come ask us if they need a car to be moved.