“A Spiritual Experience Cannot Be Bought Or Sold”
April 13-15, 2012
Ocean City, Maryland
1 | Welcome to NA | Clyde C | |
2-1 | Who Is An Addict | Liz H | |
2-2 | What is the NA Program | Betty B | |
3 | For the Newcomer | Paul M | |
4-1 | Why Are We Here ? | Albert E | |
4-2 | How it Works | Monica D | |
5-1 | Our Symbol | William F | |
5-2 | We Are A Vision of Hope | Ursula H | |
6-1 | Fanning the Flame of Desire | Tammy | |
6-2 | The Good We Do | Bernard | |
7-1 | Youth and Recovery | Rasheda | |
7-2 | What Can I Do | Carla M | |
8-1+2 | Regional Hospitals & Institutions | Derrick W & Bradley S | Derrick W & Bradley S |
8-3 | Regional Hospitals & Institutions | Derrick W & Bradley S | |
9-1 | Back to Basics | Wykenna V | |
9-2 | Everybody Gets a Turn | Ron K | |
10 | Conference Agenda Report (CAR) | Various | |
11-1 | With this Gift There’s an Assignment | Bernice & Brian K | |
11-2+3 | Regardless of… | Bernice & Brian K | Bernice & Brian K |
12-1 | Benefits of a Home Group | Danny G | |
12-2 | Carring the Message, Not the Mess | Lavern R | |
13-1 | De la Desesperacion A Un Deseo | MISSING * | |
13-2 | No Renovamos Espiritualmente De Estar Vivos De Estar Vivos | MISSING * | |
14 | Unity God & Desire (Traditions 1, 2, 3) | Justin S | Lacy M |
15-1 | Grafting a New Idea With a Closed Mind | MISSING * | |
15-2 | Don’t Judge Me, Love Me | Denise A | |
16 | Friday Main Speaker | Bob M | |
17-1 | Hugs Are For Healing | Ed S | |
17-2 | Gift of Desperation | Joyce C | |
18 | Hurting on the Inside; Smiling on the Outside | Judith C | William S |
19-1 | Still Scheming in Recovery | Kelvin S | |
19-2 | From Humiliation to Humility | Sandy H | |
20-1 | Am I Accepting my Responsibility or Blaming My Disease | Rhonda N | |
20-2 | Another Look | Stephanie C-B | |
21 | Being Good to Myself and Others | Richard W | Nash G |
22-1+2 | Counterfeit Series: Honesty, Openmindedness, Willingness | Anthony W | Marshall M |
22-3 | Counterfeit Series: Honesty, Openmindedness, Willingness | Angie K | |
23 | Sunrise Beach Meeting | Mike W | |
24 | We Do Recover / Living the Program | Domenic K & Marie B | |
25-1 | Just For Today | Thaddeus M | |
25-2 | Acceptance is the Key | Willie A | |
26 | The Hidden Principles (Concepts 1-6) | Bernard & Karen | |
27 | Closer To God Through NA | Penny S | Rick S |
28 | Building a Solid Foundation (Steps 1 2 & 3) | Kirk T | Joan T |
29 | Freedom and Purpose (Traditions4 & 5) | Beatrice & Ali | |
30-1 | Illness in Recovery | Jeff | |
30-2 | Me, Meds, and a Meeting | Tawanda | |
31 | Sponsorship | Shellie L | Jimmy Jam |
32 | Why Is It I can Quote the Literature So Well; But I Can’t Apply Any of the Principles to My Life? | Joy N | Carlton B |
33-1 | Am I Too Young For NA? | Lindsey G | |
33-2 | You Never Have to Use Again | Jerome M | |
34 | A Sick Mind with a Co-Signer | Gigi | Dennis L |
35 | Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places | Debbie S | Janine A |
36 | Money and Ego (Traditions 6 & 7) | Khalil B | Sasha P |
37 | Open Share | MISSING * | |
38-1 | Little Boy Grows Up | Glendora B | |
38-2 | Little Girl Grows Up | Steve Batman | |
39 | History of NA | Chris K & Lynn Mc | Chris K & Lynn Mc |
40 | Hurt People , Hurt People | Yvonne W & Ron E | Yvonne W & Ron E |
41-1 | Pediendo Ayuda | Angelo S | |
41-2 | El Primer Paso | Vicky M | |
42 | Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide | Dwight & Belinda | Dwight & Belinda |
43 | Mid Day Meeting | Anna Marie | |
44 | Surgery of the Spirit (Steps 4 & 5) | Kelvin H | Moniquet E |
45 | Service is Priceless (Traditions 8& 9) | Leah H & Toni M | |
46 | Unrealistic Expectatations | Eric | Tawanda R |
47 | Recovery and Relapse | Antoinette B | Jonathan B |
48 | Sowing the Seed | Kirk R | Kathy H |
49 | Love or Lust | Jan B & Melvin C | |
50 | Time For A Change (Steps 6 & 7) | Precious D | Bryan K |
51 | In the Best Interest of NA (Traditions 10, 11 & 12) | Ernestine | George H |
52 | Embracing Empathy | Arthur S | Becky B |
53 | Hell Does Have an Exit | Azeem F | Lisa A |
54-1+2 | Oldtimer’s Meeting | Linda, Al O, Linda D & Addict | Linda, Al O, Linda D & Addict |
54-3+4 | Oldtimer’s Meeting | Linda, Al O, Linda D & Addict | Linda, Al O, Linda D & Addict |
55 | A Fractured Personality | Patricia G | Reginald S |
56 | The Inner Me is the Enemy | MISSING * | |
57 | Forgiveness and Freedom (Steps 8 & 9) | Kenneth S | Shirley M |
58-1+2 | The Hidden Principles (Concepts 7-12) | Anthony R | Anthony R |
58-3 | The Hidden Principles (Concepts 7-12) | Leon P | |
59-1 | Regional PI | James | |
59-2 | Phoneline | Bo | |
60 | The Vicious Cycle | Maurice | Monica D |
61 | More Will Be Revealed | Paulette J | Mike C |
62 | Service Work Is At Home Too! | Addict & Naleen | Addict & Naleen |
63 | Maintaining Our Freedom (Steps 10, 11, & 12) | Lalescia H | Leon H |
64 | Triangle of Self- Obsession | Cindy | Matthew |
65-1 | El Padrinazgo | MISSING * | |
65-2 | No Podemos Hacerlo Solos | MISSING * | |
66-1 | Saturday Main Speaker Intro | Introduction | |
66-2 | Saturday Main Speaker | Harold P | |
67 | Killer on the Loose | Raychon P | Gordon R |
68 | Hanging on to Terminal Hipness and Fatal Cool | Eddie J | Murphy |
69 | Ultimate Weapon | Harper B | Easy |
70 | Unity Vs. Prejudice | Ron G | Moju A |
71-1+2 | The Counterfeit Series: Acceptance, Surrender, Faith | Cynthia W | Farrakan |
71-3 | The Counterfeit Series: Acceptance, Surrender, Faith | Carl | |
72- | A Simple Honest Message of Recovery | MISSING * | |
73 | Sunrise Beach Meeting | Cynthia M | |
74 | A Higher Power Who Cares | Keith P | Holly P |
75 | G.O.D. “Good Orderly Direction” | Erin T & Warren I | Erin T & Warren I |
76 | Sunday Main Speaker | Dutch H |